Repairs &

Over the last 20+ years S&G Press and Machinery has compiled an extensive list of premier vendors to assist our customers with the sometimes complicated, arduous and costly task of repairing, reconditioning and rebuilding presses and feed equipment.

We don’t use our vendor relationships as a profit center but as a complimentary service to our customers.

When buying a press or feed line from us, customers will be provided with the opportunity to utilize proven, leading industry experts for numerous services such as inspections, mechanical rebuild or repair, pneumatic / lubrication system retrofits and full electrical upgrade.

We offer complete transparency to all our customers. All inspection reports, repair quotations and pricing come direct from the source.

Our preferred vendors are all full-time press and machinery experts. All work is performed by fully licensed, certified and insured contractors. All repairs and upgrades come with an extended warranty beyond the standard 30-day MDNA return privilege. Our local vendors rebuild presses and feed equipment 365 days a year for companies like General Motors, Chrysler, Ford Motor, General Electric and Whirlpool. This distinguishes us from our competition, which uses in-house repair personnel who may go from rebuilding your slide, to re-wiring your press to scrubbing the toilets.

Our EXPERT and PROFESSIONAL Vendors have been chosen not only because of their high-quality work, but for their honesty and integrity. You don’t always want the cheapest or the so-called “best” press rebuilder, but you always want an honest rebuilder.

How it works

At S & G Press we pride ourselves on complete transparency and require that all our customers have a great understanding and honest representation of every machine sold.

Step 1 - Inspection

First, the press and/or feeding equipment is thoroughly evaluated for general overall condition, making note of any problems, required repairs, or upgrades. After which a full written inspection report and repair or upgrade quotations are made available for the customer’s assessment.

Step 2 - Repairs and Upgrades

A course of action is chosen by our customer, the work is performed on the equipment by a certified professional, making all requested repairs to the mechanical, air and lube systems, and electrical controls. Finishing the process with a custom paint job to make the press look like new.

Step 3 - Runoff

After all services are performed on the equipment, everything is thoroughly checked again, and details are documented. The machinery is then made available for viewing under power in our warehouse for full visual & operational inspection prior to shipping to our customer’s location.

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